Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day!

According to folklore, on leap day it is acceptable for a woman to propose to a man.  So I proposed to Dan today, and he said yes!!!  What makes it even funner is that this is also the day when many of you will receive your invitations and check out the blog for the first time - welcome!!!  And remember - RSVP ASAP!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Proposal

     Dan asked me to marry him on our one year anniversary of coupledom - September 2nd.  It was a Friday night, and I had to work until 10:30, so I was expecting to celebrate over the weekend.  When I got home, Dan asked if I felt like going for a walk (we often go walking around Lake George after my shift).  I said yes, and when I went into my bedroom to change, I found a huge bouquet of red roses waiting for me.  I thought that this was my anniversary present - I thought it would be at least another year until Dan was ready to get engaged, so his proposal was a HUGE surprise. We went out to the lake and walked a few laps, talking about how great the past year had been - so many big, scary, wonderful changes! Dan asked if I wanted to sit down for awhile and pointed to a bench by the fountain.  We continued talking about how far our relationship had come and how much we cared about each other, and at one point I said something about feeling like we had always been together and not being able to imagine life without him.  He said "I'm glad you feel that way" and he got down on one knee.  As I realized what was about to happen, I started getting dizzy (the park bench was spinning!) but I thought to myself "You have to remember everything about this!"  Dan pulled out the ring, looked up at me with that sweet smile, and said "Sara Meridith Marie Galey, will you join me and be my wife?"  Of course, I said "YES!"  After about half an hour of happy tears, excited squeals and lots of hugs and kisses, Dan ran behind a utility building and came back with another surprise - he had pre-staged another bouquet of roses and a big box of chocolates for me!

     I called my mom to tell her the good news, but it turns out she already knew - Dan had called to ask for her blessing a few weeks before.  Then Dan took me out to Perkins - my favorite restaurant (breakfast served all day - what more could you possibly need?) and we got home, he had a nice bottle of wine waiting for me - we drank the wine and ate the chocolates and talked about our future until the sun came up.  I was so glad that he asked me the Friday before Labor Day weekend so we could have 3 whole days of celebrating, making plans, and being excited and in love :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dan was HERE!

Dan and I are big supporters of Newt Gingrich, and I think if you take the time to watch this video, you just may support him as well ;)  What's really cool is that Dan was lucky enough to be part of the cheering crowd!  Check it out and let us know what you think!

Watch live streaming video from theuptake2 at